1. No matter what, get it in writing.
2. Use a lawyer EARLY; it's a whole lot cheaper than using one LATE!
3. In the words of President Reagan "Trust, but verify"
4. Don't be distracted by the shiny object; treat all things with equal skepticism
5. Never underestimate people or what they're capable of
6. As my Dad used to say "Never a borrower nor a lender be"
7. It's as old as time, but seriously, don't go into business with friends
8. Blood is thicker than water, but it turns out that money is a whole lot thicker!
9. Time does not really heal, it just numbs the pain!
10. Life really is uncertain and can change in the blink of an eye
11. Get a good accountant and a good lawyer
13. Befriend a powerful mason
14. In the attempted words of George W Bush "Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again!"
15. Revenge is a dish best served by a legal representative of the court!